Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Installing Kali to Raspberry Pi

I installed Kali (successor to Backtrack) on my Raspberry Pi because it was there.  I've been meaning to practice some pen testing for a while, so I looked into Backtrack.  It has been updated, and the new release is called Kali.  I first installed it to a VM to play with.  I saw that there was a version for the Raspberry Pi, so I decided to give it a try.

Here is a short guide to installing using dd in Linux:

Here is another one using win32diskimager:

First, download the image from here:

The image turns out to be in .xz format, which is a stripped down version of 7zip.  I have 7zip, so I was able to extract it.  The image is just under 8GB, so it will fit on an 8GB SD card.  I tried to install to two different SD cards, but ran into file issues when booting on the Raspberry Pi.

The image creates a 60MB fat16 partition and a larger ext4 partition.  I decided to try and extend the partition using GParted in Linux Mint.  I put that in the Raspberry Pi and booted.  It got farther, but then froze up.  This was better than the inode errors that it was throwing before.

Then I tried to copy the image using dd as suggested:
$ dd if=kali-linux-1.0.4-armel-rpi.img of=/dev/sdb bs=512k

This was on a 16GB SD card.  I inserted that into the Raspberry Pi and booted.  This time, it complained about having too many blocks for the device size.  I put it back in Linux Mint and resized the second partition using GParted so that it used all of the remaining space.  This worked, and the Rapberry Pi booted up and I was able to log in.

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