I installed Kali 1.0.4 to the Raspberry Pi yesterday. I ended up using dd in Linux Mint, then gparted to expand the 2nd partition on the SD card. That booted for me on the Raspberry Pi.
But, I was not able to start the X windows enironment using the startx command. This was because xfce was not installed. The way to check this is:
root@kali:~# dpkg --getselections | grep xfce
This did not return anything, which meant that there were none of the installed packages had xfce in the name. I then updated the system:
root@kali:~# apt-get update
root@kali:~# apt-get upgrade
After the system was updated and upgraded, I installed xfce:
root@kali:~# apt-get install xfce
When I ran startx, I was able to get a GUI, but the windows system froze. I was still able to ssh in and access the system, so it did not lock the computer.
I am currently trying to figure out how to get xfce to start.
I left a ssh session running to the pie and left top running, if you look at it xfce nor any other x11 processes are running on the pi that is the problem